The Smartest Diet To Tone Up FAST

by | Nov 17, 2023 | Uncategorized

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It sucks when your clothes don’t quite fit right, right? Or when you look in the mirror & areas of your body just aren’t as toned & tight as you’d like. Flabby arms. Belly fat. Man boobs, cellulite. These are definitely areas you probably want to ‘tone up’, right?

Well I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. Toning up, is just building muscle. If you build muscle, WHILE dropping body fat, your body will start to look & feel more toned.

And ANOTHER secret I’m gonna let you in on, is that there is no one diet to help you do this. But there are a set of best practices that you can lean into, that will help you speed up the fat loss + muscle gain process, and get that toned, defined look & feel you’re going for:

  1. Your Diet Should Be Low In Processed Sugar.

  1. Caloric Density: Processed sugars often contribute to a high caloric density without providing essential nutrients. Foods and beverages rich in added sugars can lead to an excessive calorie intake, which can hinder your progress in achieving a toned physique. By minimizing processed sugars, you make room for nutrient-dense foods that support muscle development and overall health.

  2. Blood Sugar Regulation: Diets high in processed sugars can lead to rapid spikes and subsequent crashes in blood sugar levels. These fluctuations can result in increased hunger, cravings, and a tendency to overeat. By choosing foods with lower glycemic indices and reducing processed sugars, you can better regulate blood sugar levels, promoting more stable energy levels and appetite control.

  3. Insulin Sensitivity: Processed sugars can contribute to insulin resistance over time, which hinders the body’s ability to efficiently utilize glucose. This can lead to the storage of excess calories as fat, particularly around the abdominal region. Improving insulin sensitivity through a diet low in processed sugars can enhance the body’s ability to utilize carbohydrates effectively for energy and muscle recovery.

Processed sugars are going to come primarily from sodas, juices, baked goods like cake, and alcohol. If you can keep consumption of these things pretty low (less than 10% of your daily intake), you’ll start to tone up pretty quickly.

2. Your Diet Should Be High In Protein

  1. Muscle Synthesis & Repair: Protein is the building block of muscles. When you engage in strength training or resistance exercises, small tears occur in muscle fibers. Adequate protein intake provides the essential amino acids necessary for the synthesis and repair of these muscle fibers, promoting muscle growth and recovery.

  2. Metabolic Boost: Protein has a higher thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates, meaning the body expends more energy to digest and metabolize it. This can contribute to an increase in overall calorie expenditure, supporting weight management and fat loss, both of which are integral to achieving a toned appearance.

Adding foods like salmon, chicken, turkey, steak, cod & etc, to every meal you have, is a great way to ensure you get adequate protein.

3. Your Diet Should Fit Your Lifestyle

Would weekly meal prep, tracking your macros & weighing out every morsel of food, get you toned & fit? Absolutely? Could you do it any longer than 2 weeks before you were completely burnt out on it? Probably not.

We need to find the balance between what will work, and what you can realistically manage. If you prioritize a high quality protein source in every meal, and keep the processed sugar consumption to a minimum; you’ll tone up & burn fat FAST.

These are ‘rules’ you can follow no matter where you are, and what you’re doing, and it doesn’t take a ton of effort. Just intention.

So that’s it, see you next week.

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