The ONLY Supplements You Need to Drop Body Fat & Tone Up

by | Oct 13, 2023 | Uncategorized

First off, you know I have to preface this conversation by saying: Supplements are NOT magic pills. If you are not eating a balanced, high protein diet, training consistently & getting proper sleep; don’t even read this yet.

Change your day to day habits & lifestyle first, and THEN start worrying about supplements.

Now, if you’re still reading, I’m gonna assume you work out often, take walks, try to eat healthy & etc. You’re somewhat mindful of your health.

If that sounds accurate, I’m going to give you some game on the ONLY 3 (kind of) supplements you need, in order to help your body strip off stubborn fat, build lean muscle & perform at it’s best.

Let’s dive in:

#1. Creatine

Creatine, often associated with muscle building and strength gains, might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about weight loss and toning your body.

However, it’s a hidden gem for fat loss.

One of the key benefits of creatine is its ability to improve workout performance.

When you’re able to train harder and push your limits, you burn more calories during your exercise sessions, facilitating weight loss.

Additionally, creatine helps increase muscle mass, and more muscle means a higher resting metabolic rate, which translates to greater calorie burn even at rest. It’s like turning your body into a fat-burning furnace.

Creatine also promotes water retention within your muscle cells, leading to improved muscle fullness and definition. This can create a more sculpted appearance, helping you achieve that toned look you desire.

Absolutely no reason you shouldn’t be taking 5mg of creatine per day.

#2. Vitamins & Minerals You’re Deficient In

Now, I know I said earlier that there aren’t any magical supplements. But if you are deficient in a nutrient like iron, magnesium or calcium, and you start supplementing it, it’ll change your LIFE.

For example, magnesium can help regulate blood sugar levels, which is important for managing appetite and avoiding overeating.

Or Vitamin K, which helps with calcium regulation in bones and muscles, ensuring they function optimally during your workouts.

If you’re eating relatively healthy, and exercising frequently, but not seeing progress you’d like; I’d HIGHLY recommend getting a basic nutrient panel done.

See where your levels are, and supplement for anything that’s low. Watch how your body responds once it gets everything it needs.

#3. Whey Protein

When you’re aiming to shed body fat, it’s crucial to maintain lean muscle mass. Whey protein is rich in essential amino acids, particularly leucine, which is known to promote muscle protein synthesis.

By consuming whey protein, you provide your muscles with the building blocks they need to stay strong and toned, even when you’re in a calorie deficit.

Although I’d really like for you to get as much of your protein as you can through whole foods, whey protein is a great way to bridge the gap & help you get an easy 25-50 extra grams.

So that’s it. The ONLY 3 supplements I’d recommend. You don’t need the Ultra Fat Burner 3000 just to drop a few lbs & improve your health.

A scoop of creatine, whey protein & a few vitamins you’re short in, is more than enough.

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