Stop Trying to Lose Weight..

by | Nov 3, 2023 | Uncategorized

I’m just gonna say it. I’m sick & tired of the health & fitness industry. The push for weight loss at all costs, is exactly what’s causing steady weight gain & poor health.

Weight loss being the PINNACLE of fitness, has damaged peoples mindsets, and relationships with food & exercise.

If you’re working out but not losing weight, what’s the point?

If you’re eating healthy but not dropping pounds, why bother?

The constant quest to lose weight has created a society of skinny fat, high stressed, orthorexic people that can’t pay attention to anything else but the scale.

So today, I’m giving you 5 things to focus on BESIDES weight loss, to show that you’re getting healthier, you’re toning up, and you’re adding years to your life.

  1. Increased Stamina and Endurance:

    If you’re not getting as tired doing things you used to find exhausting, like climbing stairs or walking long distances without getting super out of breath, it means your body’s getting better at handling physical stuff. Endurance is one of the key metrics for health & longevity. Something you should DEFINITELY be prioritizing over what the scale says.

  2. Enhanced Strength and Muscle Tone:

    When you notice you can lift heavier stuff or do more push-ups without collapsing, and your muscles start looking more defined and toned, that’s a sign your workouts are paying off. When your clothes start to fit better or even get looser, that’s a sign you’re putting on muscle. When your energy goes up & you start moving around more, you’re getting leaner. Which is way better than getting a lower number on the scale. Lean muscle is arguably the most important factor when it comes to longevity & overall health.

  3. Improved Flexibility and Mobility:

    If you suddenly find it easier to bend and stretch without feeling like you’re about to snap, that’s a win! Touching your toes or doing yoga poses more comfortably shows your body is getting more flexible. Mobility is another big pillar of longevity. If you can move well, you move more. When you move more, you’re a healthier person.

  4. Better Rest and Sleep Quality:

    When you start sleeping better and waking up feeling more refreshed, that’s a sign that your health is on the upswing. Better sleep is like a superpower that can make everything else in life better. When you get better sleep, you move more. When you move more, you’re healthier. I’m sure you’re getting the trend by now.

  5. Improved Mental Health and Mood:

    Regular exercise can significantly impact mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Feeling happier, more energetic, and experiencing reduced stress levels can be strong indicators of progress in your overall well-being. Additionally, better focus and mental clarity might be noticed due to your fitness regimen. You can’t weigh the benefits of a better mood & sharper brain on the scale.


If your endurance is improving, you’re getting stronger & more flexible, you’re sleeping better and you’re stressed less… you’re getting HEALTHIER. I couldn’t care less what the scale says, and you shouldn’t either.

Losing weight in & of itself is not a healthy endeavor. You can starve yourself & lose weight. You can chop your arm off & lose weight. The best way to “lose weight” is by not focusing on that. Focus on getting stronger, eating better food, getting outdoors & sleeping better.

Focus on living a healthy lifestyle, not losing 20lbs.

I promise you, it’s the best decision you’ll ever make for your body & health.


Join The 6 Week Sprint if You’re Ready to Fit Your Clothes Better, Have More Energy & Get Healthy.

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