welcome to the club You've just taken a HUGE leap, and we know for a fact that these next 3-12 months are going to transform your body, mind & LIFE. This form will go over our coaching agreement, and then we'll take your "PULSE": P- Physical Goals & ObjectivesU- Understanding Key MotivatorsL- LifestyleS- SHREDS (Sleep, Hormones, Recovery, Energy, Digestion, Stress)E- Expectations Welcome to the club! Type your first name only * Now type your last name only. * Email * Phone (###) ### #### What's your time zone? * This will help us schedule check in calls, and determine the best times for you to catch up on live coachings. PST (Los Angeles) CST (Chicago) EST (New York) AST (Alaska) HST (Hawaii) MST (Pheonix) MDT (Denver) Other This is a 3-12 month training agreement between you, the client; and your coach. * I understand that this is a 3-12 month commitment. (Depending on which package you signed up for) I don't understand. In this training agreement, your responsibilities are to follow your coaches instruction to the best of your ability. To respond to check ins on time with all the necessary information. To communicate with your coaches so we can help you hit your goals. And to drop the expectations of yourself to be perfect , make mistakes, grow & learn. Your MINIMUM primary goals are to complete 80% of scheduled workouts, and hit your calorie/macro/water intake goals 65% of the time. * I understand. I'll try my best! I don't understand. You will have a formal one on one check in form to do every Wednesday. IF you miss this, you won't receive any program updates & no check in response on Thursday. It's imperative that you complete all of these, no matter what's going on. * I understand. I don't understand. You hereby ratify your understanding that all services provided are non- refundable and waive any rights to charge-back your purchase with your credit card processor. * I accept. I don't accept There are no refunds on any programs. This training agreement is a minimum 3-12 month long commitment (depending on which package you signed up for. IF after the first 14 days, you’re not satisfied, you won’t be charged anymore going forward, and you’ll no longer be required to commit to the entire 3-12 months. Your program will start the following Monday, allowing at least 5-7 days to build out training & nutrition programs. * I accept. I don't accept. Please type your FULL legal name to confirm that you agree with the program outline & policies listed above. * Please type your current billing address. * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Please confirm the date in which you agreed to the program outline & policies listed above. * MM DD YYYY And what's your current shirt & pants size? Gonna send you some custom EFL apparel to get your journey kicked off! * Example: Shirt L, Pants 38-40 What motivates you to achieve these goals? Check all That Apply * I want to live a long, healthy life. I want to be healthy & confident. I want to be an example for my family. I want to challenge myself physically & see what I can achieve. I want to be extremely confident w/ who I see in the mirror. I want to look great for my significant other I want to look so good it makes my ex jealous. Next, let's dive into your lifestyle habits.. Will you be training at home or in the gym? * Home Gym How many hours a week do you work on average? And what time of day do you feel would be best for you to train? * 0-10hrs 10-20hrs 20-30hrs 30-40hrs 40+hrs _ Early Morning Mid Day Evening Night Time What are your biggest struggles when it comes to eating "healthy"? * I eat emotionally, and it throws me off. I've never really known what "healthy" is so I'm always just trying stuff. I hate bland, boring food & it makes it hard to stay consistent. My cravings are CRAZY and it's like I can't stop myself from binging out on something once those cravings hit. My schedule is so hectic, and I'm out so much that I just eat wherever I am. Because of that, it makes it really hard to build consistency. I'm SUPER picky & just can't bring myself to eat most "healthy" foods. None, knowing how to eat healthy & actually doing it have never been an issue for me. What are some of your favorite proteins? * Chicken Lamb Lean Beef Turkey Steak Salmon Trout Tuna Whitefish Veal Bison Eggs Favorite carbs? * Bananas Oranges blueberries apples dragonfruit sweet potato asparagus kale spinach greens green beans carrots broccoli brussels sprouts mushrooms quinoa oatmeal chickpeas wheat pasta rice Greek Yogurt Favorite Fats? * milk cheese almonds sunflower seeds oysters dark chocolate oily fish papayas salmon cream cheese avocado What's your digestion like? * Everything flows well! I have a few "blocked up" days every now & again but it's fine normally. I regularly experience constipation & may go 5+ days without a bowel movement. What's your level of stress like on a regular day? * I feel relatively stress free most days. I deal with a small level of stress but nothing crazy. Most days I feel pretty stressed. My days are EXTREMELY stressful. Do you have a morning & evening routine? * Yes No Now, let's finish off diving into the expectations, mindset, accountability & coaching aspect of this program so you can know what to expect. Thank you!