How to Get Rid of Your Sweet Tooth For Good:

by | Jan 12, 2024 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

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9 years ago, I use to have an INSANE sweet tooth.Because of it, my energy sucked, my digestion was terrible & I struggled to drop fat & build muscle.

Here’s the 5 step process I implemented to fix it, and get in the best shape of my life:

1. Focusing on hydration:

Being dehydrated feels similar to being hungry. So I started consistently getting 75-100oz of water per day in to avoid the constant cravings.

2: Getting to bed on time:

The longer I stayed up, the more junk I craved.

Getting poor sleep also disrupts hunger hormones & blood sugar levels. Making the cravings even stronger.

So I’ve been in bed by 9-10 pretty much ever since.

3. Undistracted Eating:

I stopped eating in the car, or while working. Started being present with the food I was consuming, and eat slower.This improved my gut health & helped me feel fuller for longer.

4. Weaning My Tastebuds off Super Sweet Foods:

I went from snack cakes to berries & honey. From cookies to granola & oats.This allowed me to still get the “sweet” taste, without the hyper-palatable processed sugars throwing off my energy.

5. Planning indulgences:

I’m not afraid of sweets by any stretch. I decided that once a week, I’d allow myself to have a slice of cheesecake, or pie, or whatever.Only rules are, only one serving size, and I have to get it out & can’t bring it home.So I usually always have dessert every Thursday date night w/ my wife.This actually makes it a lot easier to not indulge in the random cravings, knowing in a few days you’ll get to have whatever you want.

Once I got in control of my sweet tooth, it became so much easier to stay consistent in my nutrition.I had more energy to workout & hit cardio.And most importantly, I had no more masters controlling me (whatever urges you’re led by, are your masters)

This allowed me to drop 15lbs of body fat, put on 8lbs of lean muscle & improve my gut health dramatically.

And I’ve been using this same exact frame work to help all of my clients do the same.Hope this helps 🤙🏾

Overcoming your food cravings could be EXACTLY what you need to master your health, and get in the best shape of your life in 2024. If you want hands on help with putting together a practical game plan to make it happen, take our Transformation Quiz & we’ll see if we can help.

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  1. Molly Bennett

    GREAT one-liners on what to do! Practical and straight-up. Thank you!

  2. Matthew Wright

    Insightful and informative Sir! Thank you for the much needed information, because I, myself have an immense problem with sugar cravings as well. I’ll definitely take heed to the advice you’ve given, and hopefully I’ll see more tangible results! Thank you!