How to Get In The Best Shape of Your Life In 60 Minutes A dAy

by | Oct 7, 2022 | Uncategorized

I’ve been able to stay in great shape, and help my clients literally transform their bodies, by spending a combined 60 minutes a day on all of their health & fitness tasks.

One of my biggest focuses, has been in figuring out how to spend the LEAST amount of time required to get in amazing shape. Everyone is jam packed busy these days, and it’s just not feasible to spend hours a day on your health & fitness.

This guide will break down exactly what we do within EFL Club, to make fat loss a time efficient, practical process.

find out the needle movers in your fat loss journey

To start, you have to understand what ACTUALLY matters.

Stop with the Pelotons. Throw away the fat burners. Don’t start with the bland, boring meals.

You’ll spend 3-4 hours a day doing the WRONG things, and get more frustrated every day.

Here are the true needle movers, that should get priority in your day.

  • Strength Training

  • Daily Steps

  • Whole Foods

  • Protein

#1 – 20 minutes of strength training

When it comes to activity, strength training will be your bread & butter when it comes to what helps you make the most progress. This is how you’ll tone up, build lean muscle, get stronger & increase your metabolism. And all you need is 20 minuted every day.

Choose 4 exercises, and put 20 minutes on the timer. Do each exercise for 45 seconds, then take a 15 second break. That’s 1 minute. Do. 5 round of each exercise you chose, and there’s your 20 minute strength workout. Over time, you can add weight, or reps, or shorten your rest time, to continue to make progress.

Club Member Deidra, used a pair of dumbbells for (4) 20 minute workouts every week, and she dropped 30lbs in 75 days.

#2 – 30 minutes of intentional walking

Our bodies prefer consistent movement & activity. Especially if you have a sedentary job. Getting in 3, 10 minute walks throughout the day, will help increase metabolism, improve digestion, increase mental cognition, boost your mood & a million other things.

I recommend a 10 minute walk first thing in the AM, after lunch, and after you get off work.

Club Member Antonio, utilized these walking intervals around his sedentary job, and was able to drop 19lbs & reveal his abs in just 90 days.

#3 – 10 minutes of planning your meals out before the day starts

I’m BIG on mastering your mornings & centering them around your mental & physical wellbeing. Because once the day starts & the kids need to go to school, and that report needs to get done, it’s not likely that you’ll find the time then.

So one thing myself and a lot of my best clients do as part of their morning routine, is assess their day, and plan out what they’re gonna eat. If you meal prepped, then the decisions already made. If not, here’s how you plan out your meals:

  • Choose a protein for each meal.

  • Choose a carb for each meal.

  • Choose a fruit / veggie for each meal.

This can be something you cook from your own house, or something you get from a restaurant. But building your meals this way is HUGE. The. reason why, is because there’s no room for a burger & fries, or donuts & iced coffee, with this meal layout. So even if you go to a restaurant, it will have to be one that serves real, whole foods, which is what we want you eating any way.

Planning meals in advance allowed Club Member Cary to drop 30lbs & 8in off her waistline in just 4 months!

now put it all together.

Let’s say you wake up at 6AM. Grab your coffee & head out into the neighborhood for a quick 10 minute walk. Then you come back in, and do your 20 minute strength workout.

We’re already halfway through everything we need to do, by 6:30 AM.

Now you shower & get dressed by say, 7:15 AM.

So at 7:15, you head into the kitchen & have some breakfast. While you’re eating breakfast, you think ahead into your day, and go ahead & plan out what your lunch & dinner will be.

Fast forward to lunch (which you planned, to make sure it’d be good) and you take a 10 minute walk after eating.

So by the afternoon, we’ve already lifted weights, planned our meals, and got in 20 minutes of walking.

And to cap the day & get our 60 minutes of fitness ‘tasks’ done, we take a walk right when we get home. You might even do it with the spouse & kids & make it a family thing.

Now as the night ends, you can lay your head on the pillow & be proud of the fact that you did everything you said you were gonna do, and it was EASY.

With me laying it out this way, I KNOW you feel like you can do this. So steal it. Literally take this blueprint that so many of my clients have used to get in amazing shape, and make it a part of your life.

You won’t regret it.

When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:

  1. The Lean Body 8 Week Challenge for Men: This program is designed to help men sculpt their chest, shoulders, back & abs, while shedding 8-16lbs of unwanted body fat.

  2. The Toned & Tight 8 Week Challenge for Women: This program is designed to help women melt 8-16lbs of stubborn fat, tone up their glutes, arms, back & midsection, all while improving energy & strength.

  3. Promote yourself & your brand to subscribers of this newsletter.

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