How to Break Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

by | Apr 27, 2024 | Uncategorized

We’re at the point in the year where you’ve probably hit a wall in your weight loss journey. Saw some initial success in January – February, but it’s slowly fizzled out & now it’s at a dead stop heading into May.

There’s 3 reasons for that.

  1. Your body has adapted to the workouts you’re doing.

  2. Your metabolism has adapted to the amount of food you’re eating.

  3. YOU have adapted to the routine that made you a little progress.

We tend to stick with ‘what worked’, even when it stops working. But the truth is your body is constantly adapting, and the way you train & eat needs to adapt with it, or you’ll constantly hit a wall about 25% of the way to your goal.

Then summer comes. AAU. Band camp. Vacations. Weddings. By August, you’ve given every bit of progress you made back, and find yourself setting yet ANOTHER weight loss New Year’s Resolution.

I want THIS to be the last year you ever need to do that.

Letitia (left) and Shaun (right) had spent YEARS trying to ‘lose weight’. Nothing ever worked. It wasn’t till we strategically changed the COMPOSITION of their bodies (not just the size) that they saw lasting, transformational progress.

Join HAX STRENGTH, our 4 week workout challenge, where we’ll work to help you do the same:

  • We’ll finally get your metabolism revved up which makes fat loss EFFORTLESS

  • We’ll build muscle & definition that looks great shirtless / in a bikini on the beach, or in a suit / dress in the boardroom

  • We’ll get better results working out 30-45 mins a day, than you’ve gotten working out 1-2hrs a day

Learning HOW to strength train & build muscle will be the unlock to making sure you get weight off & KEEP it off for good.

And we want to walk you through your own tailored training program for the next 4 weeks to make it happen.

I’m so confident that we’ll be able to help you finally bust through that plateau, that we’re offering HAX STRENGTH for 25% off today only.

If you’ve been on the fence about working with our team & wanna ‘dip your toe in the water’… this is the perfect place to start.

Click the link here, and use the code ‘427’ to join the challenge. The discount is done at midnight, or after 5 signups. Whichever comes first.

Let’s make this the last year you ever need to lose weight: Join the HAX STRENGTH 4 Week Challenge. And make sure to use code ‘427’!

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