How To Become An Every Day Athlete

by | Nov 11, 2022 | Uncategorized

Split image of two men strength training. One man is isolated using a resistance band and the other is in the gym

All the greatest athletes of all time, have one thing in common. As they get older, they pay MORE attention to how they train & fuel their bodies.

Tom Brady, arguably the greatest quarterback of all time, famously does plyability work & sticks to a regimented diet. And he won a superbowl at 43.

LeBron James is in year 21, still averaging 25+ points a game. Once again, famously spends $1M + on his health & fitness every year.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “These guys get paid millions of dollars to take care of their bodies like this. It’s their job. No way I can do that.”

That’s where you’re WRONG. You’re an athlete, just like they are.

You need your body to perform at a high level, just like they do. You need food to keep you mentally sharp & physically healthy; just like they do.

So here’s 3 things you can do, that will help you perform in the game of life at an elite level.

  1. Performance Based Training

It’s time to stop thinking of how much weight you can lose with a workout, and start challenging yourself IN the workout. Set physical goals for yourself. Aim for a certain run time, aim to back squat a certain amount of league. Aim to absolutely destroy the guys in the softball league you’re in.

See, getting stronger, more mobile, improving endurance & etc, will provide you with the weight loss & the muscle definition you want. You just have to focus on competing with yourself, instead of obsessing over the “end goal”.

2. eating for mental performance

Food plays a huge factor on how alert, calm, motivated & focused we are. Eat the wrong foods day in & day out, and you’re literally zapping your brain power, motivation & overall mental health.

If you want your body to look, feel & perform at its best, you can no longer look at food solely through the lense of taste. You now have to look at it from the standpoint of “what benefit does this food provide to my body & my mind.

Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids like salmon, are great for improving mental cognition. Leafy greens, berries, eggs other fatty fish. The list goes on.

It’s especially important to keep your mind sharp if you’re a business owner or you manage a staff. Your mental state during your biggest decisions affect a lot more than just you. Make sure you’ve optimized your mental cognition through the foods you eat.

3. Controlling Your Vices

There’s sacrifice involved in having the physique, athletic performance & health you want. Staying up at all hours of the night & getting no sleep has to change.

Grazing the kitchen all day, always looking for something to eat, has to change.

Staying plopped down in your chair, behind your computer for 10 straight hours, has to change.

Developing a high level of discipline & self integrity is key for optimizing your health. You can no longer negotiate with yourself. Cut out the things you know are holding you back. And implement the things you know will propel you forward.


  • Train for performance, not weight loss.

  • Eat for mental cognition, not weight loss.

  • Eliminate your vices & implement the needle movers.

Men are meant to move their bodies, lift heavy things, and compete. We’re meant to test our physical & mental strength on a regular basis & do hard things.

But most of all, we’re meant to serve, protect & provide. It’s hard to do any of that like we’re capable; if we’re undisciplined, out of shape & lacking confidence.

So I challenge you to try & unlock the athlete that being a father, husband or founder has locked away from you. Get back to the things that your body naturally wants to do, and you’ll no longer struggle with stubborn body fat, low energy levels & etc.

It’s time for you to become an every day athlete.

When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:

  1. The Lean Body 8 Week Challenge for Men: This program is designed to help men sculpt their chest, shoulders, back & abs, while shedding 8-16lbs of unwanted body fat.

  2. The Toned & Tight 8 Week Challenge for Women: This program is designed to help women melt 8-16lbs of stubborn fat, tone up their glutes, arms, back & midsection, all while improving energy & strength.

  3. Promote yourself & your brand to subscribers of this newsletter.

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