First Name
Last Name
First off, what was your biggest win in the last week? (It can be a new workout PR, hitting your macros every day, fitting into a pair of jeans or even something in your job/ business!)
Is there anything you want to discuss right off the bat in this check in?
Leave blank if no
Did you lose, gain or maintain bodyweight over the last 30 days??
Lost weight.
Maintained weight.
Gained weight.
How many hours per night would you say you slept this past month?
Did you stick to a night time routine before bed?
This is 30 - 60 minutes of intentional "wind down" time, that allows you to go to sleep faster & stay asleep.
Ex. (Chamomile tea & stretch before bed)
Ex. (No blue light exposure 60min before bed)
Ex. (Meditation & Breath work)
I did, every day.
I did, most of the week.
I didn't.
I don't even know what that is.
What was your average daily step count for the past 30 days?
10K + Steps Per Day
7K + Steps Per Day
4K + Steps Per Day
Less Than 4K Steps Per Day
What best describes your level of stress over the last month?
Very low. Everything went according to plan.
A little stress but I rolled w/ the punches.
It was rough. I was pretty stressed.
I was EXTREMELY STRESSED! Don't wanna have a week like this again anytime soon.
Did you adhere to a morning routine before diving into your day?
Yep, every day.
Most days.
A few of them.
Not really.
What's that?
Rank your eating over the past 30 days?
Extremely clean (cooked most/all meals, matched with calorie needs)
Pretty clean (cooked 50% or so of meals & adhered to calorie goals 50% or so as well.
Not great (cooked less than 25% of my meals, paid no attention to portions or calorie goals)
Terrible. (Cooked none of my meals, all takeout, snacks, etc)
How many days were you able to hit your calorie + macro goals last month?
All 7 Days / WK
5+ Days / WK
3+ Days / WK
1+ Day / WK
0 Days
How are you feeling about foods right now ?
I’m having fun & enjoying what I’m eating.
I’m satisfied with my meals!
They’ve been okay.
I’m not really enjoying the foods I’m eating.
How's your digestion been this week?
Everything's flowing well, I'm feeling good!
It was a little off a couple days, but nothing crazy.
I've been kind of backed up/bloated lately.
I have NOT been digesting well at ALL. Need help w/ that.
How many ounces of water would you say you got in, on average; last month?
100+ Ounces
75+ Ounces
50+ Ounces
25+ Ounces
Did you hit all your workouts this week?
Hit them all.
Missed 1.
Missed 2.
Missed 3
Missed 4+
How are you feeling during training sessions?
Extremely strong & energetic!
Strong & energetic!
Pretty good.
Kind of sluggish.
I'm dragging through them right now..
What goal are you looking to accomplish in November?
Short term goals are the driving forces behind transformational change. If you can accomplish your 7 day goal , every other week for 52 weeks, it'll change your life.
This can be a health / fitness goal (I'm aiming to drop 1lb of fat & get to 200lbs on bench press this week.
And / Or wealth / career goal (We're x amount away from our goal as a company so my focus will be on getting us over the hump)
And / Or relationships (I'm aiming to take my significant other out on a nice date this weekend. Or I'm going to have separate one on one time with each of my kids this weekend.)