bizarre ways to hack your energy levels so you can drop fat faster

by | Aug 11, 2023 | Uncategorized

Too many men get tangled up in the same problem: You’re crazy busy & always burning the candle at both ends.

Which means you have zero energy to do any non essential things. Paying attention to your health included.

Taking care of your health is a REQUIREMENT to be at your best as a husband, father & professional.

So today, I’m gonna show you 3 BIZARRE things that’ll actually help you improve your energy levels. So you can find the energy to manage your health, lose weight & get healthy.

  1. cutting caffeine

Ever wondered why caffeine sometimes backfires, leaving you more drained than before?

It’s a tale of two forces. Caffeine, our go-to pick-me-up, hijacks the brain’s fatigue signals, giving a quick energy surge.

But, as the buzz wears off, stress hormones kick in, setting the stage for a crash.

Plus, caffeine messes with sleep, disrupting your energy rhythm.

Stop throwing multiple cups of caffeine back every day. 1-2 cups of coffee per day should be your max, and it should be cut off by about 12PM every day.

2. Get in sunlight as so0n as you wake up

Sunlight holds a powerful secret to boosting your energy levels. Here’s the scoop: exposure to natural light at the beginning of your day helps regulate your internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. This, in turn, fine-tunes your body’s energy production.

Sunlight contains a spectrum of light waves, including blue light, which stimulates your brain to suppress melatonin – the hormone responsible for sleepiness. As melatonin retreats, you experience heightened alertness and focus. Additionally, sunlight exposure triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to a positive mood and improved energy levels.

By soaking in the sunlight early on, you’re essentially resetting your body’s energy switch. So, step outside, go for a brisk walk, or have your morning coffee near a sunlit window. Your body will thank you with sustained energy and performance.

3. Supplement With Magnesium

This essential mineral plays a pivotal role in over 300 biochemical reactions, and here’s how it fuels your energy: magnesium is a cofactor in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s energy currency.

When your cells have sufficient magnesium, they can efficiently convert nutrients into ATP, providing you with a steady stream of sustained energy. But that’s not all – magnesium also supports muscle function, helping you power through physical activities without feeling drained.

Unfortunately, many of us fall short on magnesium intake due to modern diets and stress. That’s where supplementation comes in. By giving your body the magnesium it craves, you’re paving the way for enhanced energy production, reduced fatigue, and improved overall vitality.

Remember, balance is key – make sure your diet is dialed in, or supplements won’t do much for you.


If you’re struggling with your energy:

  1. Cut caffiene

  2. Get in sunlight ASAP

  3. Supplement with magnesium

When your energy is high, you’re a better man all the round. Make it your #1 priority.

When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:

  1. The Lean Body 8 Week Challenge for Men: This program is designed to help men sculpt their chest, shoulders, back & abs, while shedding 8-16lbs of unwanted body fat.

  2. The Toned & Tight 8 Week Challenge for Women: This program is designed to help women melt 8-16lbs of stubborn fat, tone up their glutes, arms, back & midsection, all while improving energy & strength.

  3. Promote yourself & your brand to subscribers of this newsletter.

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