How to burn fat & build muscle while working from home

by | Aug 12, 2022 | Uncategorized

Working from home has its perks. No long commute, more time with the kids. But it also has its downsides.

Extremely sedentary. 3 steps away from the snack pantry. Mid day naps.

It does NOT bode well for guys looking to get in shape…

Or does it?

Work from home has caused a lot of men to pack on the lbs, but what if you could use this opportunity to:

  • Burn stubborn fat

  • Build lean, solid muscle

  • Improve health markers

  • Skyrocket energy levels & testosterone

Here’s the blueprint to do just that, from the comfort of your home.

Master Your Mornings

One of the biggest reasons guys have gained weight working from home, is because of how they start their mornings. Work starts at 8, and because you work from home; you don’t get up till 7:15.

You’re basically rolling out of bed & going straight into work mode. This increases your stress levels, making it harder to focus, control cravings, and ultimately lose weight.

The perfect fat burning morning routine contains 3 things:

  • Physical activity

  • Gratitude

  • Meditation

An example of a morning routine: Wake up, 5 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes of stretching, 30 minute walk. 45 minutes of intentional activity to start your day.

Nailing down your mornings makes it much more likely that you’ll adhere to a nutrition plan, and have the energy & mood to get a workout in.

Get the Essential Equipment

I know you probably spent $1,500 + for the fancy peloton, or tonal. And you’ve probably realized that it’s become an expensive dust collector.

The reason is, machines with no ability to add resistance, means you can only get results by continuously increasing time, or speed. You’re already busy, so more time is tough. And unless you’re planning to become Lance Armstrong, speed will eventually be capped too.

The ONLY equipment you need to get started, is a light & heavy pair of dumbbells. 5-15lbs for light, and 30-45lbs for heavy.

You can perform all the essential exercises for every single muscle group, with just these 4 dumbbells.

And save about $1,200 + in the process.

Having versatile equipment ensures you’ll never get bored of your workouts.

Create a Designated Workout Space in Your Home

It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but it does need to be a clear separation from the rest of the house.

You’d associate a gym with exercise, right?

This area of your house needs to feel like “the gym” also.

Have your equipment in a central location that is easy to access. Make your workout time and space sacred so you and everyone else in the house know that your workouts are important.

This makes it easier to get into “workout mode”.

Put Your Meals on The Calendar

When working from home, it’s just way too easy to go back & forth to the kitchen, or place an UberEats order. Being at home all day, leads to constant snacking & overindulgence.

If you want to dial in your eating, then you need to strategize it, just like you do anything else you want to improve at.

Carve out 2-4 times a day, where you’ll do nothing but eat. Not eat AND take a zoom call. Not eat AND write a report. Mindful, intentional eating. And if it’s not within those designated time frames, you probably don’t need to be eating.

This will help stop the mindless snacking & help you melt away body fat.


  1. Master Your Mornings

  2. Get a Light & Heavy Pair of Dumbbells

  3. Create a Designated Workout Space

  4. Put Your Eating Times on The Calendar

That’s it! Hope this helped, and I’ll see you again next week with The 10 Best Exercises to Build Muscle From Home.

When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:

  1. The Lean Body 8 Week Challenge for Men: This program is designed to help men sculpt their chest, shoulders, back & abs, while shedding 8-16lbs of unwanted body fat.

  2. The Toned & Tight 8 Week Challenge for Women: This program is designed to help women melt 8-16lbs of stubborn fat, tone up their glutes, arms, back & midsection, all while improving energy & strength.

  3. Promote yourself & your brand to subscribers of this newsletter.

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