5 Foods To STOP Eating If You Want To Drop Fat In 2024

by | Dec 15, 2023 | Uncategorized

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2024 is a couple weeks out, so it’s almost time to lock in on the health goals for the new year. I’m sure one of your biggest missions, is to strip off stubborn fat, specifically around the waistline.

You’re probably trying to figure out what ab workouts you should be doing. How much cardio you should be doing on the Peloton.

But your focus should be a bit different. If you want to get rid of belly fat, the best way to do it is by changing what you’re eating. More specifically, staying away from things that make the fat loss process more difficult.

There’s 5 kinds of foods that you should be leaving behind in 2023, when it comes to what’s in consistent rotation in your diet.

Let’s get into it:

1. Foods High in Processed Sugars

One of the major obstacles to effective fat loss is the prevalence of hidden sugars in our diets. Processed foods often contain added sugars, labeled under various names such as high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, or even disguised as healthier alternatives like agave nectar.

Consuming these sugars can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, triggering the release of insulin, which in turn promotes fat storage.

Your bodies sensitivity to insulin, determines how, where & when your body will store fat vs. burn it. Managing your processed sugar intake is a huge part of that.

2. Foods High in Trans Fats

Hydrogenated oils; like canola, sunflower, corn & vegetable oil, are one of the biggest culprits for trans fats.

Trans fats have been associated with insulin resistance, disrupting the normal response of cells to insulin and leading to increased levels of circulating insulin. This elevation in insulin levels may contribute to the storage of fat in adipose tissue. Additionally, trans fats are linked to inflammation in the body, which can interfere with metabolic functions and influence the distribution of body fat.

Your packaged potato chips, cookies, burgers & fried chicken will all be drenched with these kinds of oils.

The hormonal imbalance induced by trans fats can also affect appetite regulation, potentially leading to increased cravings and a tendency to consume more calories. A recipe for disaster if you’re trying to drop body fat.

Steer clear.

3. Foods/Drinks High in Artificial Sugars

The consumption of artificial sugars may disrupt the body’s natural mechanisms for appetite regulation, leading to increased cravings and a greater likelihood of overeating.

Also, just because these sweetners are zero calorie, doesn’t mean they’re not SWEET. The consumption of sweet foods, makes you crave more sweet foods.

The fact is, you’re gonna crave processed, hyper palatable foods if you’re throwing back a bunch of foods / drinks with artificial sugars in them.

That’s not good for hitting your fat loss goals.

4. Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, making it a relatively high-calorie substance. When you drink, your body goes all-in on processing that alcohol, hitting pause on burning fats and carbs. It’s like a temporary metabolic detour that might nudge your system toward storing more fat, especially if you’re going a bit overboard.

Booze can make you hungrier, and suddenly those late-night munchies or a big plate of not-so-healthy grub seem way more tempting. Plus, alcohol can mess with your insulin sensitivity, possibly leading to extra fat storage – not what you want when you’re working hard to drop some weight.

5. Processed “Health” Foods

Plant based meat alternatives, gluten free snacks, protein bars & granola bars all have one thing in common. They’re EXTREMELY processed, have tons of additives, sugars & seed oils.

Any food that has to tell you it’s healthy on the label, probably isn’t. I don’t want you to make the mistake of spending your hard earned money on these kinds of foods, or even worse, overindulging in them. They’re still processed foods, which means your hunger regulating hormones will be impaired.

Keep these at a minimum.


  • Foods high in sugar

  • Foods high in trans fats

  • Foods high in artificial sugars

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Processed health foods

Can you have these foods every once in a while & still hit your goals? Of course. But they cannot be a daily part of your diet if you want to make substantial progress in your health & fitness.

Prioritize real food. Lean proteins, fruits, veggies, healthy fats. If the food comes in a boxed, unrefrigerated package & has a nutrition label, you probably wanna keep consumption of it pretty low.

That’s it. See you next week.


  1. If you’re ready to drop stubborn fat, have more energy, fit your clothes better & add years to your life, just respond to this email with the word “DETAILS” and we’ll chat about how we can make that happen for you in 2024.

  2. Take our Transformation Quiz & we’ll craft a game plan together to get you in the best shape of your life.

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