The 5 GREATEST Fat Loss Meals!

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Uncategorized

If you want to drop fat, tone up & get healthy FOR REAL, you need to understand food, and how to use it to your advantage.

You’re going to fail if you need to open a recipe book or do research every time you want to eat “healthy”.

You need ~5 GO TO meals, that help your body melt fat & build muscle.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve created over 5,000 meal plans for clients.

And in that time, I’ve mastered turning the right dials to help guys like Phil burn 15lbs of fat & reveal his abs in 90 days..

And that’s all due to my Efficient Eating Formula.

See, a meal that helps you burn fat, build muscle AND improve health, needs to contain the following things:

  • Good Probiotic Benefits (Helps Gut Health)

  • Low Glycemic (Doesn’t Spike Blood Sugar)

  • Hormone “Balancing” (Regulates hormones like testosterone)

  • Vitamins (Helps Brain, Cell & Organ Function)

  • Protein (Fuels muscle growth)

And over my last 5 years, these are the 5 meals that get all of this done the BEST:

#1: Salmon, Sweet Potato & Broccoli

Salmon offers a ton of high quality protein, but maybe even more important, is the fat it contains. Full of Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12, potassium & more. This is a great meal for protein, hormonal function, energy & digestion. 

#2: Steak, Eggs & Avocado

Red meat has gotten a bad wrap over the years, but I encourage you to get a serving of steak in once or twice a week. High quality protein, great source of iron & creatine. It’s a muscle building food. Eggs also get a bad wrap, even though the entire world eats them.

Think about this real quick. America consumes more processed foods than any other country in the world. And we’ve also began to demonize things like steak, eggs & dairy. Things that the rest of the world is thriving on.

Do you think steak & eggs are the problem? Food sources for humans since the literal beginning of time? Or is it maybe donuts, 700 calorie coffees, alcohol, doritos, etc?

I’ll let you answer that one. On to number 3.

#3: Greek Yogurt, Kiwi & Banana

This is a gut health special right here. The probiotic benefits of both Greek yogurt AND bananas will offer a ton of digestive benefits, allowing you to clear your system, digest food better & absorb nutrients more efficiently. The absorption of nutrients = faster muscle gain & fat loss. And we add in one of the most vitamin rich fruits in kiwi for some extra flavor.

Swap out your morning cheerios with this IMMEDIATELY.

#4: Chicken Thighs, Broccoli & Basmati Rice

It’s common knowledge that chicken BREAST is an extremely lean & clean protein, and that’s true. But it gets dry & tasteless real fast. Chicken thighs are only slightly more fatty, but offer a MUCH better taste. You get a great amount of protein as well, fueling that muscle growth we care so much about.

And the reason I love the rice here, is because we need carbs for energy! Stop avoiding carbs. Limit & lower? Sure. But trying not to eat any is just going to leave you lethargic, limit your workout performance & ultimately make it harder for you to see results.

#5: Whitefish w/ Salad Greens, Mushrooms in Olive Oil

A Mediterranean staple. Arguably the healthiest group of people on the planet, people living along the Mediterranean Sea have food figured out. This meal provides great fatty acid benefits (crucial for hormones like testosterone & cortisol), and great vitamin content in the greens & veggies. I would definitely recommend this kind of meal to any guys struggling with T levels, or dealing with depression/anxiety right now. 

Alright, so that’s my 5! I do have a confession tot make though. There is no “5 best meals”. There are hundreds of thousands of food combinations & alternatives.

For example, salmon could easily be replaced with tuna.

Broccoli with asparagus.

Kiwi with grapefruit.

Chicken with turkey.

What I’m saying is, it’s less about the exact food, and more about the nutrient profile of the food.

Influencers & fad diet pushers will make you think if you eat anything outside of what they say, you’ll never hit your goals. That’s wrong.

If you prioritize food that was around 300 years ago, when there was no corner store or McDonald’s, you’ll probably get in pretty good shape.

Consider these meals your “north star”. I’m giving them to you to point you in the direction of how you should be eating to burn fat, build muscle & get healthy.

Meal #1, #3 & #4 were staples in Matthew’s diet, and it helped him lose 40lbs & drop 8 inches around the midsection.


Meal #1: Salmon, Sweet Potato & Broccoli

Meal #2: Steak, Eggs & Avocado

Meal #3: Greek Yogurt, Kiwi & Bananas

Meal #4: Chicken Thighs, Broccoli & Basmati Rice

Meal #5: Whitefish, Salad Greens & Mushrooms Topped w/ Olive Oil

See you right back here, next Friday at 10 AM CST:

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Join my 8 Week Challenge, here. (100 + Members)

2. Work With Me 1:1 & Get Fully Custom Coaching For Your Goals, here. (46/50 Spots Filled)

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