How to Burn Fat & Build Muscle At the Same Time

by | Jul 29, 2022 | Uncategorized

Today, I’m going to show you exactly how you can get rid of stubborn fat, WHILE packing on lean muscle & definition.

In a world of weight loss surgeries, fat burner pills & restrictive diets, I’ll be walking you through a much more organic & sustainable approach. The focus will be in maximizing your muscle gain, while simultaneously burning unwanted fat.

When you learn how to prioritize both fat loss and muscle gain instead of WEIGHT LOSS, you hit your goals twice as fast, with half the effort.

The issue is though, that most coaches & fitness products, focus on sheer volume (run 5 miles a day) or magic potions (this testosterone booster), rather than helping you maximize your bodies ability to shred fat & build muscle.

Losing 10lbs of body fat while adding 5lbs of lean muscle; will only result in a 5lb difference on the scale. But you’ll look & feel 10x better than if you just lost 15lbs of water & muscle (which is what most fad diets & unsustainable approaches do.)

There won’t be any hacks or gimmicks in this letter. Just actionable, practical strategies that will help you see more visible change in your body in 3 months, than you have in 3 years. You’ll see:

  • Noticeable difference in muscle gain in places around the shoulders & chest.

  • Stubborn belly fat that used to never budge, flying off.

  • The ability to relax & take a day off while STILL burning fat & building muscle.

This is the exact system that’s helped my client Antonio drop 19lbs & reveal his abs in just 60 days.

So, Here’s your action plan for the next 90 days.

Step 1: Find your energy balance.

Everybody has a certain amount of food they need to eat, to lose, gain & maintain bodyweight. Most guys yo-yo between drastically UNDER eating, then drastically OVER eating.

If you want to burn fat & build muscle at the same time, you need a conservative energy deficit. Enough food to keep you energized for your workouts & fueling muscle growth, but not QUITE enough to keep giving that stubborn fat a permanent residence on your body.

Here’s a calorie calculator, to help you determine exactly how much food you need to eat, for your goals. Now this won’t be 100% accurate, but it’s a decent ballpark estimate for what your true needs are.

For example, if you’re a 37 year old male, 5’9 & 222lbs this is an example of how many calories you’d need.

Most guys would look at this & say “oh let’s go extreme”. And while extreme works for a little bit, your body has to quickly adapt due to the 1,000 calorie deficit you’ve plunged it into.

The key to building muscle AND burning fat, is to take a more conservative approach. We want MILD weight loss. 0.5lbs lost every week or so. This is a slow enough pace to ensure we’re getting fat off, while keeping muscle on, and even building it .

THIS is the first step to turning “flab to abs”.

Step 2: Dial in your macros.

Macros are proteins (like steak), carbs (like rice), and fats (like avocado oil). We need a good balance of all of these for proper health, but when it comes to maximum fat loss & muscle gain, protein takes priority.

For body recomposition, 30–35% of your daily calorie intake, should come in the form of high quality proteins. 30–35% in carbs, and 30–35% in fats.

The reason why, is because you need to fuel muscle growth & metabolism as much as possible, since you’re eating less overall food. If you’re eating low calorie AND low protein, your body is gonna eat away at your muscle for energy. This is going to leave you “skinny fat” , lethargic & absolutely hating your “healthier” lifestyle.

Just a few reasons why high protein diets are great for losing fat & gaining muscle at the same time:

  • Protein helps to build & repair lean muscle

  • Protein helps to increase metabolism due to it’s thermic effect (your body burns more calories CONSUMING protein, than any other macro)

  • Protein helps with satiety. One of the worst parts of dieting is the HUNGER. Protein helps you feel fuller for longer, allowing you to think less about what you’re eating.

Don’t get me wrong, all the macros are important, but if you can dial in your calories & your protein 5–6x a week, you’re gonna start getting really lean & feeling really good.

7 GREAT sources of protein:

  • salmon

  • steak

  • turkey

  • chicken

  • eggs

  • whey protein

  • tilapia

If you need help with putting meals together with the proper foods, download my Meal Prep Mastery Guide, 100% free.

Step 3: Prioritize strength training.

It’s time to let go of the cardio bunny crap. Get off the elliptical, step away from the walking track. Doing cardio as your MAIN form of exercise, is why you keep yo-yo’ing in weight. Nothing changes in your body from a metabolic level, when it comes to cardio. But you know what DOES change that?

Strength training.

Muscle mass starts to plummet around 32 years old, and the less we maintain it, the faster it nosedives. But inversely, guys that prioritize muscle mass over weight loss, are able to maintain the majority of it well into their 60’s.

Building muscle is very similar to investing. It’s a slower process, and you don’t see an immediate return.

But come back in a year & look at the compound interest (new gains).

Come back in two years & look how it’s replaced your main income source (swapping hours of cardio with 2–4 lifting sessions a week & a walk around the neighborhood).

If you’re a man that prides himself on efficiency & getting the most bang for his buck, strength training is the epitome of that, when it comes to health & fitness.

You should be working each muscle group in your body at least 2x per week, to get the lean muscle you’re looking for.

For a comprehensive guide on the best workouts & exercises for strength training, download a free copy of my Men’s Guide to Building Muscle, here.


Step 1: Find out how much food you need: Balancing your food intake is imperative for your fat loss success.

Step 2: Get 30–35% of those calories in protein: Prioritizing protein is what will help you preserve your lean muscle.

Step 3: Lift weight / strength train: This is what will build new layers of muscle & add definition to your frame.

See you guys again next Friday at 10AM CST.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Join my 8 Week Challenge, here. (100 + Members)

2. Work With Me 1:1 & Get Fully Custom Coaching For Your Goals, here. (46/50 Spots Filled)

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