How to Make Tasty, Fat Burning Meals No Matter How Busy You Are

by | Jan 27, 2023 | Uncategorized

In todays guide, I’ll be giving you a step by step guide on how to make tasty, fat burning meals, no matter how busy you are.

I know that many of you are busy with work, family, and other commitments, and finding the time to cook healthy meals can be a challenge.

But with this guide, you’ll be able to make delicious, nutritious meals in no time.

Step 1: build your food bank

The key to making healthy eating easy, is being able to put meals together FAST in your head. So here’s how you do it.

Build every meal like this: 2-3 palm sized servings of protein, 2-3 palm sized servings of carbs, 2-3 palm sized servings of veggies, and one thumb sized portion of healthy fats.

Here’s a few examples:


  • Chicken

  • Fish

  • Steak

  • Eggs

  • Whey Protein



  • Brown rice

  • Quinoa

  • Bananas

  • Sweet Potato

  • Greek Yogurt


  • Broccoli

  • Brussels Sprouts

  • Squash

  • Edamame

  • Kale


  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Avocado

  • Almonds

  • Pistachios

  • Cheese

Step 2: Choose Your Cook Method

You want cook methods that are fast, simple, and relatively hands off. In my experience, that’s gonna be:

  • Grilling

  • Crockpot

  • Baking

You can literally just throw any choice of foods you’d like on the grill, in the crockpot or in the oven & you’re set.

Season them with whatever you’d like (yes, you can season your food, just go light on the sauces because those calories add up) and you’re GOOD.

So that’s it! Build your foods, choose your cook method & get to it. You don’t have to be a master chef, you just need to focus on balanced meals, single ingredient foods, and planning in advance.

When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:

  1. The Lean Body 8 Week Challenge for Men: This program is designed to help men sculpt their chest, shoulders, back & abs, while shedding 8-16lbs of unwanted body fat.

  2. The Toned & Tight 8 Week Challenge for Women: This program is designed to help women melt 8-16lbs of stubborn fat, tone up their glutes, arms, back & midsection, all while improving energy & strength.

  3. Promote yourself & your brand to subscribers of this newsletter.

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