by | Apr 20, 2024 | Uncategorized

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that; a workout & a couple healthy meals will solve all their health problems.

You’ll melt stubborn fat. You’ll build lean muscle. You’ll get in great shape. All from that 60 minute workout.

I hate to break it to you, but your workout is negligible compared to what you do the other 23hrs of the day.

Our day to day, hour to hour habits are what will truly move the needle in our health.

Here’s the 7 biggest habits holding most guys back from hitting their health goals:


I don’t care how hard you go work out at the gym. If you proceed to go sit on your butt for the next 8-10 hours at work, you’re gonna find it difficult to drop body fat.

Sitting for long hours slows metabolism & makes it much harder to drop body fat. You HAVE to integrate some intentional movement into your day. Take short walks during breaks, use a standing desk, or set a reminder to stretch every hour. Move as often as you can.

Stubborn belly fat will hate it.


Snacking is for kids. You’re an adult, you don’t NEED snacks. We rarely snack on good, nutritious foods. It’s usually crap that puts us in a cycle of wanting more crap.

3-4 high quality, high protein meals per day, and you’ll have zero reason to snack.


Skipping meals or eating irregularly can slow down your metabolism and lead to overeating later. Aim for regular meal times and include a balance of protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. This can stabilize your blood sugar levels and reduce the likelihood of binge eating.

It also takes the thinking out of your eating, if you create a game plan in advance.


Even when trying to eat “healthy”, if you’re skimpy on protein or eating child like portions of food, you’ll be running back to the pantry or hittin’ up Doordash shortly after your “healthy” meal.

Your meals need to be filling & satiating enough for you to not WANT anything else afterward.

Good rule of thumb we use with our clients: On a medium sized plate, half the plate should be covered in a lean protein. 25% covered in fruits or veggies, and 25% covered in carbs.

No way you don’t get the nutrients you need, eating like this 3x a day.


The magic happens during sleep. The workouts you do to build muscle? That muscle doesn’t rebuild till you go to sleep. That cardio you did to burn belly fat? Your metabolism won’t adjust to that till you go to sleep.

The work you do during the day to facilitate better health, HAS to be followed by 6-8hrs of quality, uninterrupted sleep.


If you get into it with your spouse, or your boss makes you mad, or you lose a client; and the FIRST thing you think to do is go get a greasy, sugary meal / drink… you’re an emotional eater.

We all are, to an extent, but if you regularly find yourself searching for food when your emotions are too high or too low, you’re going to struggle to stay consistent enough to see progress.

Controlling your emotions better will serve you well in EVERY aspect of life, not just your health.


It took you YEARS to put on excess body fat & fall into poor health. Looking in the mirror after every individual workout & being upset because it’s not gone yet; is a recipe for disaster.

If you’re gonna get healthy & stay healthy, you need to be in it for the long haul? Should you track progress ? Absolutely. Should you expect a completely transformed physique in 2 weeks? Probably not.

Zoom out, think big picture with your health.

So that’s it! The 7 BIGGEST habits I see holding you back from hitting your health goals.

If you can overcome these things, you’re well on your way to getting in the best shape of your life.


If dropping 30lbs of body fat, toning up & becoming medication free is on your bucket list for 2024, take our Transformation Quiz here, and we’ll help you make it happen.

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