This Is Exactly What I’d Do If I Wanted to Lose The “Love Handles” For Summertime

by | Mar 22, 2024 | Uncategorized

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It’s not a good feeling to put your favorite clothes on, and have your waistline bulging out. It makes you self conscious, and you end up having to wear clothes you don’t actually like, or start skipping things altogether.

Most importantly though is the health implications of an expanding waistline.

Understanding the Enemy: Visceral Body Fat

Before we jump into the action plan, let’s quickly talk about why those love handles are more than just a cosmetic concern.

Visceral body fat, which accumulates around the abdomen, poses serious health risks, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. By shedding those love handles, you’re not just improving your appearance—you’re improving the health of your heart, brain, digestive system & more.

It’s a must that you get to work on shaving inches off your waistline. Her;’s how:

Step 1: Clean Up Your Plate

First things first, let’s revamp your diet. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods while cutting back on refined sugars and processed snacks. Opt for lean proteins, plenty of fruits and veggies, healthy fats like avocados and nuts, and whole grains.

Actionable Tip: Fill half of your plate with veggies at each meal to boost fiber intake, keep you full longer, and control calorie intake. Fill the other half with protein to buildup your lean muscle & increase overall metabolism.

Step 2: Incorporate Compound Lifts

Compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows are your new best friends. Not only do they work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, but they also torch more calories and promote faster changes in your body composition compared to isolated exercises.

Actionable Tip: Aim for 2-3 sessions of compound lifts per week, focusing on proper form and gradually increasing the weight as you progress.

Leave the crunches & side bends alone. They’re not doing much of anything for strengthening your core, and you can’t spot reduce fat anyway.

Go get strong & your body will adapt accordingly.

Step 3: Get Moving

In addition to compound lifts, incorporate some steady state cardio into your routine to further boost calorie burn and improve cardiovascular health. Activities like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming are great options.

Actionable Tip: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each week, complementing your compound lift sessions.

Step 4: Prioritize Sleep and Stress Management

Quality sleep and stress management are crucial for weight management and overall health & longevity. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night and incorporate stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga into your routine.

Actionable Tip: Create a relaxing bedtime routine and practice stress-relief techniques daily to support your fat loss goals.

Step 5: Track Your Progress

Lastly, keep track of your progress to stay motivated and accountable. Take measurements, photos, or journal your journey to celebrate your wins and stay focused on your goals.

Actionable Tip: Set small, achievable goals along the way and reward yourself when you reach them—just ensure the rewards align with your health and fitness goals!

Consistency is key to success, so stick to this plan for 90 days, and you’ll not only see a difference in your physique but also experience improved energy levels, better mood, and reduced health risks associated with excess visceral fat.

Let’s get you right for summertime.

If you want:

  • tailored workouts to help you build lean muscle & strength

  • tailored nutrition coaching to help you drop fat & improve energy & health

  • daily accountability to help you stay consistent & finally see results

Take our Transformation Quiz here, and we’ll help you make it happen.

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