How To Boost Metabolism & Burn Fat Faster

by | Oct 8, 2023 | Uncategorized

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I think it’s safe to say, you’d be very happy if your body got rid of excess fat easilly & efficiently.

You’d feel great if you never had energy dips durign the day & you were always ready to go.

You’d be SET, if you could eat “whatever” you want & your body just burned it off instead of storing it.

That’s what having a high metabolism looks like. But so many people seem to think metabolism is genetic, or somthing we can’t really control.

That’s a lie.

I’m going to give you the frameworks for how to naturally boost your metabolism so you can start melting body fat on autopilot.

Let’s dive in:

First off, what is metabolism?

Metabolism is how your body turns the food you eat into energy. A “slow” metabolism is one that stores the majority of the energy from food.

A “fast” metabolism is one that USES the energy from food. So here’s how we get your body using instead of storing:

1. metabolism boosting foods

There are foods that have been shown to boost metabolism & increase fat loss. Some of them are:

  • coffee

  • green tea

  • spices like peppers

  • foods high in iron like lean beef, leafy greens & seafood

Having these in your diet consistently will help create a small uptick in your metabolism.

2. Strength Training

Strength training is singlehandedly the best tool for boosting metabolism & turning your body into a fat burning furnace. You burn calories & boost metabolism on THREE different fronts:

  1. You burn calories during the workout

  2. You burn calories AFTER the workout as your body repairs muscle tissue

  3. You burn a little bit more calories at rest, as a direct result of putting on a little bit more muscle during that workout.

Just ONE strength training workout, has a 3 pronged, 3-5 day impact on your metabolism.

If it’s not a part of your health regimen, you’re missing out.

3. Drinking Water

You probably know you need to drink water to be healthy & lose weight. But you probably don’t know WHY, which is why you’re so inconsistent with it.

Water is essential for the proper functioning of cells, including those involved in metabolism.

When you’re adequately hydrated, your cells can efficiently perform their metabolic processes.

Dehydration, on the other hand, can slow down these processes, making it harder for your body to burn calories and fat.

Also, our bodies can confuse thirst with hunger. When you’re dehydrated, you might feel hungry when you’re actually thirsty.

Drinking water before meals can help reduce your appetite, leading to the consumption of fewer calories. GAME CHANGER for staying consistent in your diet.

A good rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 of your GOAL bodyweight in water.


  • eat metabolism boosting foods

  • lift weights & build muscle

  • drink your water

Sounds simple enough, but if you can prioritize & stay consistent with all of these things, there’s no way you won’t drop stubborn fat, put on muscle & improve your health over time.

We implemented this same system with China, and she stripped off 10lbs of body fat after being plateaued for MONTHS with a stalled metabolism.

That’s it! See you next week.

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