The 3 BEST Movements to Sculpt a Strong, Defined Core

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Uncategorized

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So I think it’s safe to say that; if you’re reading this, you’d like a stronger, more defined midsection. You probably want to lose the stubborn belly fat hanging around there too.

And I don’t wanna mislead you. There is NO ab workout you can do, to spot reduce body fat from your waistline.

What we’re focusing on in this letter, is building up lean muscle in the midsection, and improving your bodies overall performance by strengthening your core.

Now, will building a stronger core make your midsection look better? Absolutely. It’ll dramatically improve your posture & probably give the *appearance of 5-10in gone off your waistline.

But if you truly want to drop body fat, you need a well rounded strength program , and a well rounded diet. Not just ab workouts.

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let’s dive into the 3 Best Movements to Sculpt a Strong, Defined Core.

  1. overhead dumbbell marches

This exercise works your entire core, including the deep stabilizing muscles, as you carry weights overhead while walking. Most people do NOT carry weight overhead in their day to day, which means the obliques (love handles) & deep inner ab muscles that facilitate that movement, become weak & tight.

Add this movement to your weekly training routine for 4 sets, 20-30 reps with a medium weighted dumbbell.

2. Ab Wheel Rollouts

Think about all the times you bend or reach for something. Ab Wheel Rollouts mimic those movements, making your core strong for everyday stuff.

Also, these rollouts can be as easy or as tough as you want. If you’re new, start from your knees and work your way up. Go out as far as you can handle, and just try to improve weekly.

Do 3 sets, 5-10 reps of these every single week.

3. Decline Bench Leg Raises

This is a GREAT movement to sculpt the lower abdominal muscles, and those deep core muscles that keep the body stable. You can progress in this by increasing the level of decline in the bench as you continue to get stronger.

I’d aim for 3 sets, 12-15 reps of these per week.


  1. Weighted Overhead Marches

  2. Ab Wheel Rollouts

  3. Decline Bench Leg Raises

Now obviously there are hundreds of great ab exercises. These are just some of my personal favorites, and the ones that have been the most impactful for myself & our clients.

Add them to your routine and stick with them long enough to get STRONG in them, and I’m sure you’ll agree.

See you next week.

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