The Most Important Health Metrics for Mental Clarity & Peak Performance

by | Apr 16, 2023 | Uncategorized

After working with over 100 execs & entrepreneurs, I understand the importance of optimizing your health and performance to achieve your goals. Biofeedback is a valuable tool for achieving this, as it allows you to monitor your body’s responses to various stimuli and make adjustments to improve your overall health and performance.

Here are five simple but important biofeedback metrics to consider for mental clarity and peak performance:

  1. Resting Heart Rate:

    Measuring your resting heart rate can provide valuable information about your cardiovascular health and fitness, which can impact mental clarity and overall performance. A lower resting heart rate is generally associated with better cardiovascular health and fitness, which can lead to improved mental clarity and performance. You can easily measure your resting heart rate with a heart rate monitor or wearable fitness tracker. A good resting heart rate is between 50-65bpm.

  2. Body Composition:

    Your body composition, which includes your body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density, can provide valuable information about your overall health and fitness. Maintaining a healthy body composition can improve mental clarity and performance by reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving physical function. You can measure your body composition with tools like skin fold calipers, or my personal favorite, a DEXA Scan. Men should be between 12-17% body fat, and women between 22-27% body fat.

  3. Blood Glucose:

    Maintaining stable blood glucose levels through a balanced diet and regular physical activity can help improve mental clarity and performance. Measuring your blood glucose levels can provide insight into your body’s response to food and help you make adjustments to optimize your energy levels and mental function. You can measure your blood glucose levels with a glucose meter or continuous glucose monitoring system. A healthy blood glucose range is between 70-90 mg/dL.

  4. Sleep Quality:

    Poor sleep quality can negatively impact mental clarity and performance. Tracking your sleep duration, quality, and consistency can help you identify any sleep-related issues and make necessary adjustments to improve your sleep. You can measure sleep quality with a wearable sleep tracker or smartphone app. You should aim for 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

  5. Blood Pressure:

    Monitoring your blood pressure can help you identify any potential cardiovascular health issues and take steps to improve your overall health and performance. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke and can negatively impact mental function. You can measure your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor. A good blood pressure reading starts at 120/80.

Incorporating these simple biofeedback metrics into your health and fitness routine can provide valuable insights into your overall health and well-being and help you improve your mental clarity and performance.

If you can get your body healthy, it’ll be so much easier for you to up your productivity, and perform at the top of your game.

When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:

  1. The Lean Body 8 Week Challenge for Men: This program is designed to help men sculpt their chest, shoulders, back & abs, while shedding 8-16lbs of unwanted body fat.

  2. The Toned & Tight 8 Week Challenge for Women: This program is designed to help women melt 8-16lbs of stubborn fat, tone up their glutes, arms, back & midsection, all while improving energy & strength.

  3. Promote yourself & your brand to subscribers of this newsletter.

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