5 Exercises You Need To Do EVERY Week If You Have A Sedentary Job

by | Mar 15, 2024 | Uncategorized

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Sitting for hours & hours every day is one of the worst things you can do for your body & health. Yet corporate America is almost exclusively filled with roles that require sitting at desks & computers all day.

Not moving your body enough is gonna lead to muscle loss, joint stiffness, weight gain & a whole list of other issues that will make you a flabbier, fatter, less healthy version of yourself.

We obviously don’t want that, so I’m giving you 5 different movements you need to be doing EVERY WEEK if you want to maintain or build a fit & healthy body with a desk bound career:

  1. Goblet Squat

Sitting for extended periods can lead to tight hip flexors and weakened glutes, causing discomfort and potential postural issues.

Goblet squats are particularly beneficial for desk-bound individuals because they engage the major muscle groups of the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

By performing goblet squats regularly, you’ll not only strengthen these muscles but also improve hip mobility and alleviate tightness associated with prolonged sitting.

Additionally, the upright posture required during goblet squats helps to counteract the hunched position often adopted while sitting at a desk.

2. Pushups

When you spend hours seated at a desk, your upper body muscles, particularly the chest, shoulders, and triceps, can become weak and stiff.

Push-ups are an excellent exercise choice for desk workers because they target these muscle groups effectively without requiring any equipment.

By incorporating push-ups into your routine, you’ll strengthen your upper body, improve shoulder stability, and promote better posture. Additionally, the dynamic nature of push-ups engages the core muscles, helping to counteract the tendency to slouch forward while seated.

3. Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

Prolonged sitting often leads to rounded shoulders and a weakened upper back, which can contribute to discomfort and poor posture.

Dumbbell rows specifically target the muscles of the upper back, including the rhomboids and rear deltoids, helping to counteract the effects of sitting-induced muscle imbalances.

By regularly performing dumbbell rows, you’ll strengthen these muscles, improve shoulder alignment, and alleviate tension in the upper body.

4. Weighted V-Ups

Weighted V-Ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the core muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis and hip flexors. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms extended overhead holding a weighted object.

Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body, reaching towards your toes to form a V shape.

Slowly lower back down with control. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Weighted V-Ups help to improve core strength and stability, essential for maintaining proper posture and spinal alignment during long periods of sitting.

5. Seated Spinal Twist

Sitting for long periods can contribute to stiffness and tension in the spine, particularly in the lumbar and thoracic regions.

The seated spinal twist is a gentle stretch that targets these areas, helping to alleviate tightness and improve spinal mobility.

By incorporating this stretch into your routine, you’ll release tension in the back muscles, increase flexibility, and promote better spinal health, ultimately reducing discomfort associated with prolonged sitting.

It’s a blessing & a privilege to be able to earn a (great) living for yourself without having to do backbreaking manual labor.

A large majority of the world is not fortunate enough to have that opportunity.

Don’t let it go to waste by not properly taking care of yourself.

Stay strong, stay mobile & stay active. Your body & health depends on it.

See you next Friday.

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