3 Mistakes Stopping YOU From Losing Weight (And How to Fix It)

by | Jul 28, 2022 | Uncategorized

So you’re working on losing weight, but you’re not seeing a lot of success. Either you can’t stay consistent, or you can’t really get weight to budge at all.

You want to get healthier, burn stubborn fat & build lean muscle, but you just don’t know how to go about it.

In today’s newsletter, I’ll break down 3 of the biggest mistakes you’re probably making, and how to fix them so that you can get in the best shape of your LIFE!


I get it. Cardio seems like what helps you lose the most weight. You sweat a lot, you’re breathing hard & you get to see how many calories you burned. But here’s the issue with only doing cardio:

Your body will quickly (and I mean QUICKLY) adapt to what you’re doing. So the only choice you have to continue to make progress, is to run faster, or run longer. Both of which obviously have a cap. You can’t quit your job to do more cardio. And you probably won’t become an olympic sprinter either. So cardio just isn’t scaleable.

You know what is though? Strength training. You should no longer be working out to lose weight. Workouts should be designed to help you build muscle, not burn fat. Lifting weights is the best way to get that done, and you should be doing that at least 3 days a week.

Now I’m not saying cardio is bad. Cardio is GREAT for you. But look at cardio as something for your heart & lung health, more than you do for your fat loss goals. A 30 minute brisk walk or jog every day is more than enough. Now go lift some weights, man!


You probably “know” protein is important, but do you know why?

Protein helps to:

  • reduce appetite & increase satiety levels during a diet

  • increases muscle mass & strength

  • good for bone health

  • lowers blood pressure

  • increases metabolism

So obviously, it’s extremely important for fat loss, good health & muscle gain. But when most guys set out to lose weight, they eat like they’re on Weight Watchers or something. Skimpy portions that would leave their kids hungry at night, let alone a grown man. If you want to get in the best shape of your life, you have to eat. And 25-30% of what you eat should be high quality proteins.

If you need some help with figuring out what type of foods you need, download my Meal Prep Mastery Guide, then come back & check out the 3rd mistake you’re making & how to fix it.


As men, we pride ourselves on hard work. Burning the candle at both ends. Someone asks us how much we’re working & we exaggerate the number to sound more impressive. It’s a badge of honor to be tired as long as we’re providing.

But did you know, lack of sleep can cause:

  • extreme stress

  • heart attacks & strokes

  • muscle loss

  • weight gain

  • low testosterone

And more. So this means even if you’re working out & eating healthy, you’re still susceptible to all of these things, if you’re only sleeping 3-6 hours a night like a lot of guys. You should be prioritizing 7-8 GOOD hours of sleep. Your body needs it for health, muscle growth, metabolic regulation & overall recovery.

So stop trying to work harder, and work smarter.

So that’s it guys! 3 of the biggest mistakes you’re probably making in your weight loss, and how to fix them. Hopefully you got a lot of value from this newsletter. Be sure to share with colleagues & friends that are looking to become the best versions of themselves by getting in great shape.

When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:

  1. The Lean Body 8 Week Challenge for Men: This program is designed to help men sculpt their chest, shoulders, back & abs, while shedding 8-16lbs of unwanted body fat.

  2. The Toned & Tight 8 Week Challenge for Women: This program is designed to help women melt 8-16lbs of stubborn fat, tone up their glutes, arms, back & midsection, all while improving energy & strength.

  3. Promote yourself & your brand to subscribers of this newsletter.

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