2 Workout Cheat Codes I Wish I Knew Sooner

by | Jun 30, 2024 | Uncategorized

When I first started working out, I tried EVERYTHING. I’d do every machine in the gym, an hour of cardio, all the cool Youtube ab workouts. And I made ZERO progress.

I’d spend 2-3 hours a day in the gym & struggled to drop stubborn fat & actually build up some muscle. It wasn’t until I learned the cheat codes I’m about to give you now, that I was able to make DRAMATIC progress in my body, performance & overall health.

Let’s get into it.

Cheat Code #1: Stop counting in reps.

In the past, when I went into an exercise I’d predetermine how many reps I was gonna do. So no matter HOW easy the exercise was, I ALWAYS stopped at the pre determined rep count.

Now, instead of saying “oh I’m gonna do 3 sets of 10 here.” I say, I’m going to do 3 sets at 70% effort here. Basically, I’ll choose a weight, and KEEP doing reps until I get to a 7/10 on the difficulty scale. Meaning that I could only do about 3 more reps.

This allows me to consistently keep my effort level high, and not box myself into a rep count that won’t make me progress.

Cheat Code #2: Your Last Reps Should Be Slower, Not Faster.

When I first started, I’d ‘chase the burn’, meaning try to go as fast as I could. The more ‘burn’
I felt in the movements, the faster I’d move. It wasn’t until years later that I realized I was missing out on all the gains by speeding through my reps.

The reason you want to slow your reps down as you get to the end of a set, is because they should be so intense & high effort that you have to dig deep & give everything you have.

If you’re speeding through, you’re not digging deep. And if you’re not digging deep, you’re not making progress.

I know how frustrating it can be to bust your butt for days, weeks, months, years on end & see NO progress. The effort level is there, which is what most struggle with most. You’re showing up. NOW, you just need to aim for intensity levels instead of reps, and slow down at the end of your sets instead of speeding up.

I know this stuff sounds crazy simple & not a big deal, but I promise you, you’ll put on more muscle & drop more body fat in the next 6 months, than you have in the last 6 years, if you implement this correctly.

So that’s it. See you next week where we dive into the 2 nutrition cheat codes to melt fat fast.

If you want help implementing these cheat codes into your routine so that you can start seeing the progress you want to see, join our HAX STRENGTH 30 DAY SPRINT. We’ll walk you through EVERYTHING you need to know to build a fit, healthy body + give you a 4 week strength program to drop 5-10lbs of body fat & gain strength across the board.

Book your spot here , & we’ll see you inside.

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